A27 Statutory Consultation: Heritage impacts
Our Nationally Important Heritage at Risk
The A27 Grey route will permanently destroy or damage our Nationally important heritage. The 3 villages of Walberton, Binstead and Fontwell have been home to continued peaceful and safe occupancy since the Stone Age. Now, due to changes forced on us by the A27 Grey route, our homes and our heritage will be destroyed or suffer permanent adverse effects.
Adverse effects mean an increase in noise levels so you will no longer be able to quietly enjoy the historic landscapes of Binsted Rife and the Arun valley as our predecessors used to.
Adverse effects mean increased pollution so you will no longer be able to enjoy the clean air of our heritage setting when you go for a walk, ride or cycle along the old highways and byways that thread their way through our villages.
Adverse effects mean you will no longer be able to enjoy in peace and clean air the Grade II* listed buildings of St Mary's Church Binsted or Meadow Lodge let alone the more important Grade I Church of St Andrew at Ford or the nationally significant Scheduled Monuments of Tortington Priory and Arundel Castle.
There will also be permanent loss of heritage assets. The building of the road will destroy all heritage within its path including
- Stone age Mesolithic site at Avisford Park the earliest known evidence for occupation in Walberton
- Iron age earth works, moated sites and field boundaries
- The Roman Villa at Blacksmith's Corner and part of the original A27 Roman road between Chichester and Brighton
Save our Heritage for future generations and continue to enjoy your landscapes and country walks by saying “NO” to grey A27.